Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Safety Inspection Yesterday

Safety monthly inspection - check!!
So I thought it went well since after he checked the office he left right away. Little thing I know the Inspector and Boss P had a commotion in the yard. While the Indian Inspector taking some picture of unsafely act he asked or grabbed (whatever is true) to show him his badge stating he has the privileged to use camera. Another issue grrrrr!!!! Sometimes I am wondering what really my job is. Because after the incident the Safety Professional showed and investigate what happened to that scene. Instead Boss P talk to that guy he let me.. goodness!! We got an agreement it won’t happen again just let his Indian explain first why they have to take some picture before he focus the camera.
But you know what sometimes, those guy pushing me to my limit, the way they approached is like they are supervisor or same like. I want get my pay slip and show them that their 6 months’ salary is just my 1 month salary… that’s how expensive Filipino skills are!!
We understand their job keep the employees informed about safety and try to avoid any unsafely act or don’t ever short cut any job. The potential hazard of the daily task are always been tackled every morning in morning briefing. But for some what reason I don’t know why the employees couldn’t understand and find it hard to follow.
Anyhow, I suggest to the Safety Professional he should make a customer service class to his Indian employees because even me experienced of their being rude but that another story. Cultural Ego should be set aside because it doesn’t matter if you are Filipino, Indian, Nepalese, Kenyan, European or American here… we eat the same food, stay and sleep with the same LSA.  

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