Monday, November 22, 2010

Proud to be a.... ME!

I passed the 2 part exam for Flight line badge and license and I am also a hater to my subordinates who took the class. They asked why I didn’t tell them they have exam. Huh! All the training class should have an evaluation guys!! In case you want to know!
What I learned from the class:
Stupidity is not a valid reason in Flight line incident.
Defensive driving is a must.
Establish the communication with the Tower
Be vigilant to any threat.
Always listen to your instinct.
The training class over all was well delivered by the speaker. Kudos! To those who passed (10 out of 30 who took the class).
For those who failed specially my crew… Guys! You need to retake and if it’s mean you have to go through 3 classes before you pass so be it!!  Or I need to review them… by the way the 30 trainees are composed of American, Balkans, Indian, Nepalese, and FilipinoJ.

Friday, November 19, 2010

On Line module Safety and License Training Challenge

Yesterday really pain in the ass!! Stressful… after the QAQC/Safety inspection he wanted to at least one in the department done with the Safety on line Training.  Mind you, it is not only 1 module at least 8 and each module has a quiz that you must to pass to be able to get certification. Thank God didn’t got a failed quiz… the on line training was consist of Fire Prevention, Safety Defensive  Driving, Ergonomics, Heat Stress, New Hire Orientation ( funny, been working here for a year now), Code of Ethics, Hazard Communication  and Personal Protective Equipment.  The truth is, in the previous company we always have this on line training every 6 months or annually so it’s not new to me. The American company making sure we understand and follow the OSHA standard when it comes to work attitude and safety. The day ends well though, I said to myself- I had my quota so time to a sound sleeps yahoooo!! 12 hours work and the on line nose bleed training.
I deserve to watch a movie in my laptop so I open again my favorite for a moment “Eclipse ( Twilight Saga)” since I read more than 4 times the book series I really would like to see if the director captures the most romantic part of Bella-Edward-Jacob love triangle. Not so disappointed but not astonished with the movie maybe I expected more but over all I fell in love again and looking forward to read the Eclipse book again. Happy day isn’t…UNTIL the Area Security Manager gives a Flight Line Security Class from 1900 to 2100 what the heck!! It seems unfair after my on line modules and then another class and quizzes again???????!!!! Give me a break!!
I found myself listening to Mr. Herman Vana-as, a retired US Military Officer while he’s doing his training class for us. He has a loud voice that you could not fall asleep and in fairness, he talk with an accent so you have to draw more attention for else you’ll be lost… quizzes was given out at the end of his 2 part  classes . I hope I pass his quizzes and get my Flight Line Security license and badge.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Safety Inspection Yesterday

Safety monthly inspection - check!!
So I thought it went well since after he checked the office he left right away. Little thing I know the Inspector and Boss P had a commotion in the yard. While the Indian Inspector taking some picture of unsafely act he asked or grabbed (whatever is true) to show him his badge stating he has the privileged to use camera. Another issue grrrrr!!!! Sometimes I am wondering what really my job is. Because after the incident the Safety Professional showed and investigate what happened to that scene. Instead Boss P talk to that guy he let me.. goodness!! We got an agreement it won’t happen again just let his Indian explain first why they have to take some picture before he focus the camera.
But you know what sometimes, those guy pushing me to my limit, the way they approached is like they are supervisor or same like. I want get my pay slip and show them that their 6 months’ salary is just my 1 month salary… that’s how expensive Filipino skills are!!
We understand their job keep the employees informed about safety and try to avoid any unsafely act or don’t ever short cut any job. The potential hazard of the daily task are always been tackled every morning in morning briefing. But for some what reason I don’t know why the employees couldn’t understand and find it hard to follow.
Anyhow, I suggest to the Safety Professional he should make a customer service class to his Indian employees because even me experienced of their being rude but that another story. Cultural Ego should be set aside because it doesn’t matter if you are Filipino, Indian, Nepalese, Kenyan, European or American here… we eat the same food, stay and sleep with the same LSA.  

Hindwana 2 ( Cantaloupe/ yellow melon)

Much sweeter that watermelon, this round, light green and uber sweet melon is weighed 6 kilos. Sayed told us he can bring bigger than this... what?????? soo love this one! I'm dreaming for  a melon shake and shrimp-melon salad in Emerald Resto in front Phil. Navy Headquaters, The nicer thing about the fruit "here" is very affordable it cost me only 2 dollars ";)

Hindwana (watermelon)

A sweet and mouthwatering watermelon I ever tasted!! I thought only in our country (mabuhay philippines) has the sweetest watermelon after I tasted the hindwana it is weighed at least 10 kilos, so reddish and firm. I got a chance to see the watermelon plants but camera was not allowed (such a loser!). Love to see them in that dry and not humid land laying over their leaves it‘s like you see a freedom land so peaceful, quiet and sweet (as you imagine eating those watermelon) place.
I hope local national realize how rich their soil and be grateful to this kind blessings.

A Smoky Quiet Lunch @ Far East

It's not all about food… it all about the topic guys are having during lunch. P wanted to have cock fight chicken in his wife's place in Ilocos Norte. One of the Filipino employees will be home by next week and promised to give 2 cock fight chicken and J, Service 2 will send 5 from his farm in Mindanao. Their conversation went well until S, PG Foreman talked about his farm in the mountainous area in Bayoc, Zamboaga del Sur. To give you a background these guys I mentioned are cock fight chicken breeder (business back home), they engaged in export and import of this particular animal.. They even spend I think 100 thousand pesos for the monthly feeds and vitamins. Oh well, to make the story short and precise to the title. S told us that  a group of men taking care of his mango farm in exchange of monthly supplies of foodies such as noodles, sardines, rice or whatever he have in his land. Who are they???!!!... Our co-Filipino chose to live at the mountain for their political belief and ideal.  No, I did not condemn those Filipino instead I do believe we don’t have really perfect political set up and No, I’m not a patriotic person either. But in their conversation my being a military wife side come out and stand without thinking I said to them when S told  " mabait naman sila (they are nice)… me: Yah! That’s why they asking you for mandatory revolutionary tax and why are you hiding your cock fight chicken in the urban area it because those nice people might grab those or to be nicer will ask your permission whether yes or no they will get those… right??!! Yah… you are absolutely right… they are nice." Everybody look at me like a criminal (looks that saying “keep your mouth shut”).
Don’t get me wrong people.. I hate to talk about politics since I’ve been away home for how many years now and serving US military instead of my own. But whenever I’m “home” I feel and see the difference how our young military officer trying to change our lives.
My lunch was smoky because I do feel the predicament of being a soldier and quiet because I can’t do anything to ease those…

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Audit and Inspection dilemma...

from the source

Have you been ever encounter a company who has an audit and inspection every week? The butterfly in my stomach I think already stuck since my dept always on the spot!! Government Compliance, DoD Audit, Safety, QAQC and DCMA's. In my previous company, HSE dept is not part of the Audit list so it is really new to me. Each item or equipment is a hot US Government Property so they make sure we use it properly.
  •  I learned that we have to separate the cleaning materials from non toxic to flammable materials. The flammable material should to store to a cabinet that doesn’t direct in the sun and have a secured lock, fire extinguisher in the side in case of emergency.
  • The equipment like Auger bit, sweeper roller and such should be elevated from the ground to be able to comply with this; we can put it in a pallet, cover it if the equipment is on the open area and stick it with label that indicate what kind of equipment and the GP #.
  • One of the critical and should be updated is the Timesheet. From the first column down to the Employee Signature column (which is the last column) should be well explained in the employee. How bloody our timesheet? Why it is so big deal? Well… since I’m working in a military civilian employee. My timesheet should be indicate what is my charge cost (charge cost it depending where division are you working at) and location code. What time should I suppose to start to work and what time should I fill up electronically my timesheet. How many minutes my break for the whole day. What is the flow of the timesheet after you submit it? Mistakes and error entry should be justified and approved by the Site Manager.
  • You should memorized and know your PWS (performance of work) by heart and else you are busted! You have to display the entire desktop SOP or make a compilation of the entire SOP’s, updated inventory of manning, materials, situational report and monthly training.
  • Even a small drill as long as it is come from a package with a manual should have a monthly inspection and keep those manuals because that is part of the audit.
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be visible and available to everyone. Update it monthly or whenever we have a new chemical consumable item.
  • Weekly and monthly inspection for fire ext, smoke alarm, first Aid, and ladder or everything that related to safety always is updated and available for inspection purposes.
  • Yard and office should always be neat and clean. No flammable such as computer cleaner exposed.
  • Electrical cord should be align to quarterly bonding-grounding inspection it means each quarter has a different colors so make sure you are inspected by an electrician before the  Inspector catch you!
  • Military and company hotline number should be posted every corner. US government has a non tolerance policy regarding racial and work discrimination.
Here you go my audit dilemma.. Do you want to try?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Freakin Cold!!

Though, my place right now doesn't snow but really freakin' cold!!  the north part of this country who have a bad snow fall.I was there  from Oct 2007 to June 2008. At first I was excited.. a girl who came from a tropical country what do you expect?! too happy to see snow falling in your head, touching it and rub it your palm, playing snow ball and throw it.. so much fun!..but as day come by it's getting worst. I experienced tripped in the side of the road so many times hehehe!! too lazy to go to work, so good to lying down in my bed, lazy to take a bath and can't take the freezin' cold! I have to put some heater blanket on the side wall of my bed because my blanket heater is not enough to keep me warm.
I love to sip hot choco at the dining facility and brewed coffee anytime of the day. Though, It's cold most of the people from Europe love to eat dairy queen ice cream and baskin and robin ice cream.. You'll see them with thier winter jacket and gloves and yet eating some ice cream. Hope this lovely weather will just stay as this and storm never show up.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Angoor (Sweet Little Grapes)

This is the grapes or angoor "here" so little and greeny but uber sweet! exaggerating the word sweet that how it is really taste like. It cost around 2 dlrs per kilo in the Bazaar. You could compare it to the expensive seedless grapes in Rustans Market or in any high end groceries in Manila.
Local people here hasnt yet realized how rich their soil. In my next blog i'll show you how big the watermelon here and for sure you will be amaze and agree with me..

Friday, November 5, 2010

I hate my flabby body

I started to use Herbalife hoping to lose some weight... first month nothing really change to my body it was because:  i didn't diet my self from food... same routine. Gosh! how can I resist the steak, bbq's, bread stuffing, cakes, the meat and seafood stir fry's?? how about the taco salad? the mexican foodies!! how I wish I could pass through in hot bars without feel tempted and go straight to salad bar and soup.

When I was in 20(teen) my weight was just 115-120 lbs. Then I gave birth to K I gained 15 lbs and more day by day until I reached my recent weight 160 lbs!! How can I blame myself?:(. My married life is really fun and fullfilling having a daughter K and a hubby M you could not ask for more but to enjoy every single day with them. Since the day I found out Im having a cutie in my tummy I started to experiment cooking.. I never let M go to his office without lunch box(es). K should be full stomach before going to school and or even for the whole day.

My quest in taking out flabby body is really not serious until...... I read my coach email that one of her herbalife client lose 15 lbs and she started the same day with me. I promise to myself I will take this herbalife weight management seriously!!!!!! ( while doing this blog, Im munching english muffin with turkey links and pork sausage with mustard and catsup... yum yum!!)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A-nar (Pomegranate)

Wikipedia says: A pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing to between five and eight meters tall. Native to the drier regions of the Mediterranean Basin, pomegranate is widely cultivated throughout India and parts of southeast Asia, Malaya, the East Indies and tropical Africa.[1] Introduced into Latin America and California by Spanish settlers in 1769, pomegranate is now cultivated in parts of California and Arizona for juice production.

Seasoned fruits right now here.. for 5 dolllars 6 big pomegranate was bought.. it is so sweet, a cherry like color friuts. The local people told me to eat also the seeds so I searched in the internet if it's safe to eat the seeds or I need to spit it out but as I read the seeds are also rich from nutrients.. And the good thing with this fruits is.. a good source of FIBER!!

Forget Safety?

Bad luck.. are they comes in 3??! so why it happened to me in 5? I am super deppresed! Why it really so hard to follow safety rules and house rules..

1. Got a personnel who had a deeply cut in his arm ( deeply means a 4 stitches inside and 6 outside in his arms) lovely isn't?
2. People never learned..  one was hit by the double power nail gun.. his finger is like a kebab! at least he's wearing a safety gloves but still doesnt care to pause and read the potential hazard of using a power nail gun! how smart are they right?!
3. Missed an interview because his attention was snatched by his inventory.. good reason?! Nah!
4. Over confindent not to use the truck side mirror... so he got an accident!
5. "I was just parking the small truck" but still you cannot utilize any vehicle without a License period!!

What I learned from all of these?? make a house rules with the font size of 20 and post it in every door so they wont forget and STAY AWAY FROM TROUBLE!!