Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My K

Miss you K!!
This is her feet… after the foot spa and pedicure. My friend Dawn Smith sent her cute nail sticker for her 7th birthday last year... cute isn't?! Love it!!

This blog is about her… she got merit award for being outstanding student in SSAM. The school only gives 2 merits every school year.
I was upset when I found out that she got less 90 in her report card in the first grading it only means her chance for that merit will be less also. I made an agreement to her if she could get higher grades on 2nd quarter I’ll buy her whatever she want… I know I am a bad mommy bribing her to get what I want but tell me, who among the mommies in this world don’t want her child/children be on top in the class???? I pressured her since I know she want something or other way around? Well, we both agreed that I’ll buy her 6 wheelers bag which is 3,000 pesos up to 5,000 depending on the brand name (actually I compromised M’s xmas bonus…hehehe!). The quest is on until the 2nd grading report card came yesterday. She was so static to tell me that she made it!!!!! WE GOT THE MERIT!! Yehey!! I am the happiest mommy in the whole wide world aside from that she told me something I think I was robbed by my own K. The supporter (tutor, nanay, M and teacher) and I asked her to get 90 or 91 to all her subjects. To my surprised, she got 94 so I owe her 3 points. Gosh! She asked me to buy pink netbook and forget about the 6 wheelers since she can get that on the next school year… what the H! So tell me now? My bribing went well or she tricked me so she can get what she really wanted boo! Anyhow, I asked my SIL to buy me in the US or I’ll buy her on line… do I have any choice?
                        This is what she want .             
My K is a consistent honor student from Prep up to present. She was accelerated from Nursery to Kinder in UP PUSO due to her great ability to identify shapes, colors, numbers and letters.
Maybe we spoiled her like this but with limitation. She has to earn what she wants. We let her to decide whatever club she wants to join. We never have a baby talk in our house; we treat her as a young adult.
 Miss you K so much! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!

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