Thursday, December 16, 2010

Spell Happiness

Spell Happiness....... T-H-E  S-A-N-D-Y-S!!!!! soo excited to see them!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lazy me...

Lazzzzzzzzzzzy Sunday….. I over slept! Don’t know why but Am so dead tired I wanted to go home refresh and need my family’s hug! In this winter time… I want a piping hot Sopas (chicken noodles soup) or goto (chicken rice soup), a nice chat or bonding time to M and K. Have a movie marathon with them or hang out in McDo.  I miss home!!
It’s freaking cold here! I am wearing 3 layers, my shirt, regular jacket and outerwear jacket and still feel cold.   

Friday, December 10, 2010


We got 3 months extension! sigh.... but okay I am still happy with it! I'll be home for good soon and i'll be officially bummer too!!

God bless us in this new journey.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Okay.. that's still fine!

I missed the OSHA 10 hrs course... grrrrr!!! They supposed to email the memo to everyone not only to few!!!! I’ve been waiting for this then I was late for registration it because I got the message late….

OSHA is $200.00 and up courses depending on OSHA training  you want. I hope I can get one soonL.

Web source: Wikipedia
The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. It was created by Congress of the United States under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, signed by President Richard M. Nixon, on December 30, 1970. Its mission is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and occupational fatality by issuing and enforcing standards for workplace safety and health. The agency is headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor, of the United States.
The OSH Act, which created OSHA also created the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as a research agency focusing on occupational health and safety. NIOSH, however, is not a part of the U.S. Department of Labor.
OSHA federal regulations cover most private sector workplaces. The OSH Act permits states to develop approved plans as long as they cover public sector employees and they provide protection equivalent to that provided under Federal OSHA regulations. In return, a portion of the cost of the approved state program is paid by the federal government. Twenty-two states and territories operate plans covering both the public and private sectors and five — Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and the US Virgin Islands — operate public employee only plans. In those five states, private sector employment remains under Federal OSHA jurisdiction.

Still a blessing

Though recession is now spreading out!! Gosh para syang cancer ha mabilis kumalat!!!  Old timer employees are ready for this since we saved some already from the previous company. Before we signed the contract last year it was already a “hear say”. Even the employee who’s getting less than us received the new offer letter with really duper low offer and please they are the hard worker to the extent round the clock work in the computer.

The “Super Curb Project” downsizing the US Govt budget but encouraging the employees to work very substandard. If you are the employees are you going to work 12 hours and make overtime for free if you feel that it doesn’t compensate? I doubt it!

But it is a blessing… gaining experienced to work in an international company with multi cultural environment. Develop your confidence towards work and people around you. Just think that this is our stepping stone. I still am thankful in this company to let us save for at least in 15 months and meet the other half of the world.

I am so Blessed!!

Feel right… feel blessed and I love it! Only thanking for the blessings uttered in my heart.  Pressure and problem keep on coming but I don’t know it doesn’t bother me at all. I’ll going to be a bum sooner, no more imported clothes and accessories for me and K, no more dreaming of travel abroad for the mean time, no more excess allowances and I need to tight my budget. I have to think of something at least to help M financially. But honestly, doesn’t bother me at all and for no reason at all I’m happy! I’m really praying hard this feeling will stay forever.
I was a church choir member before when I was in my teen years and I missed singing halleluiah and proclaim to the world how great our Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderful and purity our Mother Mary and how great all the angels in heaven.
Feel love… to my M, K and nanay so much! Hope God always keeps us safe and healthy.
For this coming Christmas I wish my families (Sandys and Juans) have a wonderful life ahead of them. May our good and loving God will continue to bless us forever and ever.
For all the people around me;
May the weary hearts will shine through and see God’s path of comfort.
May the feeling of resentments soon be replace by great acceptance and forgiveness.
May you see the reason for all your questions and burdens and be light up for God will never give us anything that we can’t get through.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My K

Miss you K!!
This is her feet… after the foot spa and pedicure. My friend Dawn Smith sent her cute nail sticker for her 7th birthday last year... cute isn't?! Love it!!

This blog is about her… she got merit award for being outstanding student in SSAM. The school only gives 2 merits every school year.
I was upset when I found out that she got less 90 in her report card in the first grading it only means her chance for that merit will be less also. I made an agreement to her if she could get higher grades on 2nd quarter I’ll buy her whatever she want… I know I am a bad mommy bribing her to get what I want but tell me, who among the mommies in this world don’t want her child/children be on top in the class???? I pressured her since I know she want something or other way around? Well, we both agreed that I’ll buy her 6 wheelers bag which is 3,000 pesos up to 5,000 depending on the brand name (actually I compromised M’s xmas bonus…hehehe!). The quest is on until the 2nd grading report card came yesterday. She was so static to tell me that she made it!!!!! WE GOT THE MERIT!! Yehey!! I am the happiest mommy in the whole wide world aside from that she told me something I think I was robbed by my own K. The supporter (tutor, nanay, M and teacher) and I asked her to get 90 or 91 to all her subjects. To my surprised, she got 94 so I owe her 3 points. Gosh! She asked me to buy pink netbook and forget about the 6 wheelers since she can get that on the next school year… what the H! So tell me now? My bribing went well or she tricked me so she can get what she really wanted boo! Anyhow, I asked my SIL to buy me in the US or I’ll buy her on line… do I have any choice?
                        This is what she want .             
My K is a consistent honor student from Prep up to present. She was accelerated from Nursery to Kinder in UP PUSO due to her great ability to identify shapes, colors, numbers and letters.
Maybe we spoiled her like this but with limitation. She has to earn what she wants. We let her to decide whatever club she wants to join. We never have a baby talk in our house; we treat her as a young adult.
 Miss you K so much! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Recession? Insecurities? Whatever!

When did you feel the recession? I mean the global recession. To tell the truth hasn’t felt this until last week. I was come from an American company for 2 years; The Company drowned me for lots of perks and high salary. Though I read and watched the recession news on AFN channel I am not worried since I have a good job.  I am blessed to have 2 years with the company before the dawned come. We lost the contract and we are being offered the same salary but fewer freebies in the successor company.  I signed to the company for 1 year contract. Though, never got a company-culture-shock since we just continue our job but with different policy, regulation and BOSS.
And now my time is up! Next week will be my last week in the company. I asked permission from M to sign for another contract and promised to be the last.  I signed for an extension after he agreed upon and file for rnr this New Year so I can spend New Year with them in the Philippines.  Everything went well until my co officemates email me that they offered super low salary as in not even close to ¼ of my salary right now.  So I was really shocked! I feel that we’re betrayed by this company.  Hate to say this, but they just use us to establish the relationship and services to the military through us. They knew we are ready to jump to other company who also won from the bidding who offered us less salary (not really that low unlike what they offering us today) but good perks or freebies. So maybe that was the reason why all of the sudden the recruiter offered us the same salary before. Now, my entire Balkans co workers are having a 2nd thought to sign.  We perform multi task job, like me… aside from being an Admin personnel I am also operation and foreman sometimes when we need to… I drive forklift and pull ropes to be able to rise up a tent.
HR did not understand that… they feel that our salary is now being a center what we so called “unjust and unfair to others.” Ok.. fine! We are being treated as black sheep from the headquarters because of being our stubbornness but accept it… we are the reason why the KAF O&M dept still on top despite of what happening in the other Site. That’s the result of our good salary.
I hate whining maybe it’s time for us to go home since most of the old timer been here for 3-7 years. And we must understand the “Super Curb Project” of the US Military or the Company.  Expat/ American are not affected of this recession only the Foreign Nationals.
The only things I can say… good luck to the new employees (our replacements) hope they can cope up with the strict US guidelines, survive the  audits and hope that they can do the mission well like we do and perform 2 to more job in 1 position. I hope that the new salary rate can pay off those because in my case… NOT!!... I rather be home and stay with my family.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What do you hate most?!

Me, a whiner!!!
I have  new foreign national personnel right now, he’s job title is Supervisor.. ok! My boss toured him and gives brief information about what we are doing here basically, and not surprisingly… he doesn’t know anything totally blank. But anyway, that is not the point.
The issue here he just came yesterday late afternoon and yet he asking for a truck (4x4 ford ranger) together with a driver because he can't bear the cold,  ISAF badge ( tho, I explained to him yesterday we need a heads up from Site Manager still pushing me) and all the freebies. He doesn’t like to ride in the back of the truck maybe he feels that he’s been mistreated or an insult to his position. Well, I replied to him as this…….
“Ok sir… welcome to A******!
When it’s cold … it’s really f^@king cold and when it’s hot really f^@king hot! I cannot provide you transportation so far and yes you have to ride in the back of the truck together with our crew if you still have any concern you can go straight to Site Manager’s Office just beside your living quarter. He’s the best guy here for sure he’ll help you out regarding your concerns.”
Do I so mean? I was shocked also to myself… freaking bad but gosh! Give me a break this is not a coat and tie with a secretary on the side department??? We are working in the construction!!!! We do all the dirty jobs! What he expect? Get his ass to work!
I know Site Manager will just laugh at him when he finds out what I’ve said. On his mind he probably say “crazy little Filipina strike again” he knew me well when it comes to work.  He’s  my boss for a year now and served as his admin and operation personnel.