Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Who?!...Me?!

For the past few weeks after my short lived vacation, I forgot to set up my mind for work seriously! Every time I went home 1 week before my flight I talked to myself giving some sort of motivation why I need to go back abroad and what are the plans. But this time no motivation was made. Just went to NAIA airport show my VISA and passport and Viola, here I am now in the land of nowhere.
The truth is now.. I don’t know if I still love my job. My career is has no direction as of this time. The only thing I know I enjoyed my 22 days vacation and I wanted to go back. But I wanted to go back with secured financial status.
Maybe I wanted to go back because first to support M to his job. He needs a supportive present physically wife and K to give her more motivation in school.  Or I just miss the home foot spa bonding with Nanay and K. We love it!  
OR maybe, I need to stop whining to myself and get off my ass in this black, soft swivel chair and work outside! Do I tell you that it is soooo freaking cold here… gosh! The windshields of our vehicles are now literally covered by ice.

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