Monday, February 21, 2011

Salty meal

For the first time It wasn't bland but real salty!!!!!! chicken with tomato sauce, salty chow mein noodles, blanched brocolli, raisins cookies, banana and banana juice. I ate it though salty becos I need to eat.
Still getting some spot please pray for me and baby sandy...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feeling Blue? Try some Tim Hortons Donuts

This is my first craving... Tim Hortons donut and sooo delish!! The chocolates that coated in the donut really tasted milk choco not cocoa. The crew bought me 2 boxes for 10 dlrs reallly worth it! I can't drink coffe so I partner it with bottled water.
Feel down today.... mood swing?.. hays....

Meal meal

The meal is pretty good today tho still bland... Beef pie, beef and brocolli stir fry, cucumber and carrot stick and grapes. The food aren't great taste as usual.. still missing philippines local foods. Maybe it because of my hormonal changes that affect my appetite. Kind of low/sad today I had some blood spot this morning and kinda scared for baby sandy and myself.
Please whoever read this please pray for me and baby sandy or Papa god please help me with my pregnancy please bless us. I never ask for anything but only for my baby to be safe and healthy. Amen.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Mexican Chilli con Carne

Basicallty my meal today: Rice topped with mexican chilli con carne, chicken nuggets, chicken and veggie stew, chicken with white sauce. I finished my whole chilli con carne, 3 nuggets, and tasted the chicken stew.. that's it! the verdict everything was bland!!!!!!!!! I ate the apple pie sugar crust becos the mango sponge doesn't taste mango or just to make even close. hayzzzz... I want a real food!! miss you sinigang, kilawin, dinuguan and torta! 

Guilty Pleasure

Yeah! this is my guilty pleasure instead of pigging out at TGIF I bought Oakley Shades... Love it!!  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bland diet

I ate this meal yesterday... beef and veggies stir fry, calamari, spanish torta and chicken finger ( cant remember the name of this chicken but looks like chicken finger).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unhealthy Snack But Heavenly Good!!

Vanilla ice cream with snicker chocolate... i know it's bad for me right now.... I am guilty!!!!!!!!!! promise,  this is the last ice cream. I grabbed this while walking at the boardwalk I bought some Ralph Lauren shirts, Zara long sleeve blouse and Abercormbie and American Eagle slippers in PX store.
My lunch was plain today.. chicken bbq and biryani rice with Rani pineapple juice on the side.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rain Rani

This is my fave drink Rani juice becos of the fruit pulp or bits inside. It's only available in Dutch PX. hayy... 3 dollars per can but really worth it.

Pumpkin... I heart you!

Guess I what I found in the dining facility... PUMPKIN!! love it! here's my meal for today: Grilled beef with herb sauce, pumpkin and potato gratin, steamed veggies and chicken stir fry. Well, the verdict? I finished my meal... baby sandy loves it for sure. I try not to eat rice and replace it with potato becos it doesn't taste rice it has a after taste that irked me. The pumpkin and potato gratin was a bomb it tasted like ginataang kalabasa minus meat, string beans and prawn but at least...oooohhh! I love it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spinach my love!

Here you go again my daily meal from our dining facility. Roasted chicken, beef and mushroom stew, steamed prawn and veggies, few cabbage and lastly buttered spinach. I ate the whole spinach, few steamed veggies and beef but I when I started to munch the chicken I feel really full. 
This morning, my breakfast was Chicken soup (Sopas), sunny side up egg, baked beans and hot milk with choco powder.
Since this is my 2nd pregnancy, it wasnt surprised me at all that my tummy is getting bigger in the first (2nd) month I feel that my belly is now popping out... Love it! or just being so excited about the whole thing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Affair with Beets

Here what I ate this lunch.. I did not finished it.. stir fry cabbage,chicken and mushroom pie, fresh brocolli and beets. My 2nd encountered with beets. This time it wasn't bad my taste bud can take it as other veggies.
Healthy foods comes commitment... hope my commitment to keep healthy will rewarded my baby sandy. Yippee!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hi Beets!

This is my meal for today... beef and beans stew taste like mechado that has a beans added. Grilled beef, steamed rice that have a sign that every scoop has a 260 cal. (d naman nananakot d ba!), steamed cauliflower and BEETS and onion salad! yah, first time to eat beets, been here for 3 and half years and yet dont have the courage to try this.. afraid ako bka bigla akong mag throw up d kasi ako adventurous when it comes to foods. My first time with beets... taste like potato?! I thought its like jelly since it looks like one. Not bad for the first timer.. I ate 3 slices.
After the main course I munching now orange fruit. But while getting these foods eh I drinking ( literally) my not so hot cream chicken soup.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The New Me

Well, since I am preggy I would like to take note all the things and foods I'll be dealing for the rest of 9 months. Actually this is my 2nd pregnancy but the last one was a 8 yrs ago and I didnt recalled how it was. I aiming to eat only good for me and my baby.. fo a starter, I'm trying to stop coffee and tea and replace it with juices (so help me god) and fruits. I am really good when it comes to fruits but juices bleh! I am addicted to caffeine. It so hard to bid good bye to Tim Hortons French Vanilla coffee, Green Beans Choco Spicy Chai Tai and Coffee Mocha and say a good hello to milk (yuck!). I hate MILK! but i have to drink it for my baby... I wish I can tolerate the taste and smell becos even I am not pregnant just the smell of a milk it makes me sick... really want to throw up! hope I can get a high in calcium juice or whatever to replace the milk. 
I did some researched where can I be able to get more folic acid and according to what I read I can get this thru:
Pinto Beans - (available here! yey!)
Spinach -  (available here! yey again)
Beef Liver :-(  not available
Lima Beans - If I'm not mistaken this is the white beans ( also available here! yey again)
Kidney Beans - It is the red one ( also available here! yey again)
Parsley - :( not available
Beets - I hate this but no choice for now.. (available every lunch for salad)
Brocolli - I love it! ( available here! yehey!!!!)
Romaine Lettuce - serving of this is not too frequent but still available  maybe by schedule
Bok Choy - serving of this is not too frequent but still available  maybe by schedule
Cantaloupe/Rock Melon - green melon ( available here anytime of the day yehey!)
Orange and Strawberries - Sweet! (always available)
Cabbage - favorite! (always been available)
Low fat yogurt - available every morning.. wish I can get up early so I can grab some of those
Zucchini - cucumber is much tastier and appealing compared to this one.. but no choice!
Whole Wheat bread - welcome breakfast ( Im not a breakfast eater)
Tomato- no issue of this I can eat it.
and my Sis in law told me Okra (Lady Finger) is also a good source of Folic Acid.

This is it for now... let's go chow!!!!

I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy :) and proud to be a mom again!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Who?!...Me?!

For the past few weeks after my short lived vacation, I forgot to set up my mind for work seriously! Every time I went home 1 week before my flight I talked to myself giving some sort of motivation why I need to go back abroad and what are the plans. But this time no motivation was made. Just went to NAIA airport show my VISA and passport and Viola, here I am now in the land of nowhere.
The truth is now.. I don’t know if I still love my job. My career is has no direction as of this time. The only thing I know I enjoyed my 22 days vacation and I wanted to go back. But I wanted to go back with secured financial status.
Maybe I wanted to go back because first to support M to his job. He needs a supportive present physically wife and K to give her more motivation in school.  Or I just miss the home foot spa bonding with Nanay and K. We love it!  
OR maybe, I need to stop whining to myself and get off my ass in this black, soft swivel chair and work outside! Do I tell you that it is soooo freaking cold here… gosh! The windshields of our vehicles are now literally covered by ice.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Thoughts

Mixed feelings in these past few days. Emptied mind. Floating. in short WALA AKONG NAIISIP!! I need an inspiration to move!!!!!!!!!!